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SHARE YOUR STORY – where’s your voyage?

We know you like to travel so share your story with the perfect travel guitar that allows you to take your music with you, anywhere you go.   We invite you to let us know about how traveling with a Voyage Air has changed your experience!

Singing on Koh Samui and Shanghai
Trip to St. John
Tim Brookes: In Egypt
Thom Bresh
I don’t travel without my Voyage-Air Guitar!
Cayman Islands
Around the World on a Motorcycle
That journey, with that guitar, literally changed my life…
Holiday Trip to Arizona
In Key Largo
In Panama
In “The Badlands”
The Guitar Voyager
European Tour
On tour with the VAOM-04
The Guitar in the Holy Land
Bob Smith Update: 31 Countries, 4 years On The Road
Have (Voyage Air) Guitar – WILL Travel…
In Matala bay
VAD-04 in Mexico
Busking in Brandenburg
In Mexico
Global Voyage!
Guitar – Global


whenever, wherever you want...


when you're done, fold it and go...


take it anywhere your music takes you!