One thing I can’t lose is my Voyage Air Guitar

I’ve had other travel guitars, but none of them matched my Voyage Air for clarity of tone and volume. I have played it jamming with an Estonian of Russian extraction on the Greek island of Santorini, in sessions in Irish pubs, at a show at the Black Gate in Galway, and at a wedding in Hood River.
As I say in one of my songs,
Been all ’round this country
Been up north, been down south
Been out east, been out west
Been almost all about
Been all ’round this great wide land
Seen most there is to see
If you want to know where you should go
Hey, Buddy, just ask me.
‘Cause I’m the high road drifter
Been here and I been there
I’m the high road drifter
Been most everywhere
Sometimes I lose my way
But one thing I can’t lose
Is them lonesome, low down
Fed up highway blues.
Actually, one thing I can’t lose is my Voyage Air Guitar. You can bring it anywhere, pull it out, and with a couple of tuning tweaks, be ready to play. Playing in airports while waiting for a plane has become one of my favorite venues. Just pulling out the Voyage Air and setting it up gets everyone’s attention. And you have a captive audience that is begging to have something to distract them from the combination of boredom and anxiety that accompanies air travel. Waiting for one flight, the captain of the flight was passing by as I pulled out my guitar and stopped to listen for a short while. She ws also a guitar player and told me that when I boarded, I should tell the stewardess to make room for the guitar in the front locker. I told her thanks, but that’s not necessary. It fits in the overhead compartment. I suspect she now owns a Voyage Air of her own.
I have other guitars that I also love dearly, but when I’m traveling none of them matches the easy convenience of the Voyage Air, and the option of staging surprise concerts for an unsuspecting audience is a hoot!