In the classroom

Uncle Bunkle goes Voyage-Air! Known throughout the Pacific Northwest as ‘Uncle Bunkle,’ Todd Schneider is a school safety expert, consultant, and, well, YES – he knows a lot about how to bring peace, and a good learning environment to classrooms almost anywhere.
Todd is also an avid story teller and guitar player. He brings those talents to classrooms throughout his region, calling himself “Uncle Bunkle.” Generations of children in the area can remember that special day when ‘Uncle Bunkle’ dropped by their school to play a special song, or tell a special story.
Well now, Uncle Bunkle has a Voyage Air acoustic guitar… and he always takes it with him to visits at elementary schools. Here’s a pic from a few days ago, where he plays his new VAOM-06 Songwriter at the Deer Creek Elementary School.