Moving Overseas

It has been a tough year and a half. My family and I just recently decided to give up everything we had in the United States and move to work overseas.
As we were getting ready to move to South Asia, the question we asked ourselves was, “What are we going to sell?” At the time I had two Guitars; an Ibanez and my Voyage Air. I convinced my wife we could not sell the Voyage Air and that it would be great to travel with. The guitar withstood quite a beating in all of our travels around South Asia and still plays great!
I just wanted to say thank you for making such a durable, easy to travel with, guitar.
We are a family of four and my Voyage Air has gone with us all over South Asia, from the mountains to the jungle, and it has served as a comfort to our family when we are dealing with remembering what we left when we moved, culture shock, etc.
My son is now learning to play the guitar and I have a quality-sounding guitar to teach him with.
I am not a professional or anything. I simply love to play the guitar and my voyage air has been awesome.
Bo White – USA to South Asia